Vintage Japanese Lobed Tea Cup Set by Nakazato Tarouemon XIV
Dimensions: 3-1/8” h x 3-0”dia
This is a "rare" opportunity to obtain a set of five-lobed Tea Cups created by Tarouemon XIV. Born in 1957, Nakazato Tarouemon XIV, currently the Nakazato family's 14th generation, inherits the rich legacy of Karatsu ceramics and of his family. Surrounded by Karatsu ware from the day he was born, he took over his family's kiln in 1983.
Purchased from the Nakazato family kiln in Karatsu, on the Southern Island of Kyushu, these beautiful-shaped cups for “matcha” tea, each have a varied warm grey glaze finish that shows confidence in the firing, affording uniqueness of each piece, and creates an expressive individual production line cup. It is said that after use, each cup will gradually change its landscape from the type of tea being served.
Each bowl has a darker raised base celebrating not only the vessel, but the clay foundation which gives it an unmistakable “datsuzoku”, (surprise), look and feel to each piece. Irregularities and color changes of the glaze through the firing process are highly prized and considered one of a kind, and often celebrated in teaware. The side of the base shows the mark, (Kamajirushi), of Nakazato Toroemon XIV. The Kiriwood box in which the set is housed has the markings and the impressed stamp is proof of their authenticity.
Additional Information: During feudal Japan, trades that enjoyed special favors from feudal lords and shoguns held esteemed status. In the Nakazato family, it was customary for the child inheriting the trade to adopt not only the family surname but also the unchanged given name of the father. The Nakazato clan, renowned for their prowess in pottery, received patronage from successive feudal lords of Karatsu, thus maintaining the tradition of passing down both the family and given names. The Nakazato family is one of Japan's greatest treasures and is one reason for the wonderful ceramic traditions that abound here today.
Condition: Excellent condition as produced by the artist. This beautiful set retains the original craft/workmanship. No discoloration, chipping/cracking, surface wear, or structural damage.
NOTE: You may wonder why five (5) teacups are in this set. In Japan, odd numbers are considered auspicious. The number five holds tremendous significance in nearly all Buddhist traditions including the tea ceremony. The five elements of Esoteric Buddhism are combined with one additional element in Japanese culture, the MIND, for a total of six. This mudra, (ritual/spiritual gesture), symbolizes the unity of the five worldly elements with a six-element, spiritual consciousness. Only by adding the sixth element are the five brought to life. Without the sixth element, ordinary eyes see only the differentiated forms or appearances. Each has a relationship to the tea ceremony and is incorporated into the whole experience in the use of odd-numbered items.
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air (or Wind)
- Space
- MIND (spiritual consciousness or perception)