Japanese Traditional Spinning Top | Vintage Koma by Katakura, Tomio


Dimensions: 2-1/4”dia 

The simple shapes and beautiful harmony of colors are what attract us to Koma, a traditional Japanese game toy. The spinning top was a folk craft used as a toy, but also a traditional art perfected by the Japanese. As a kind of quip, the elegant spinning motion of the toy symbolizes “circulation of money” ”smooth work”, and “being quick-witted”.

Katakura-san’s top has an exceptional definitive feature of the Samuari looking face which is quite fierce, expressive to frighten competitors. All artwork is hand-drawn. There is red and purple linework further defining the top with a simple red knob at the top for spinning. This particular top has a specifically designed round bottom for playing in the snow. Unsigned but the craftsman is well known for this specific motif and type of spinning top.

Vintage Condition: Very Good condition with good balance and a good sense of proportion and color. The small red knob on the top is slightly off-center because of use but it still functions as intended. Drawing detail is Excellent with no loss of color.