Vintage Sosaku Kokeshi entitled: Osone | A Famous Dancer by Shido Shouzan


Dimensions: 15-1/2"h

This is beautiful. elegant, tall, and slender doll with a traditional hairstyle, and a prominent green and gold obi. Post-WWII Obi design brings forth the best use of complex geometry to create traditional Japanese elements. The obi used depends on the type of kimono worn on any given occasion. This book is the feature cover doll on the Book entitled: Kokeshi: Wooden Treasures of Japan.

Condition: The doll is in excellent, original condition with no flaws or imperfections. The piece has a Shouzan stamp on the bottom along with two other impressions, one of which is the name of the doll.

NOTE: Shito-san is considered by Kokeshi collectors and critics alike to be one of the most influential artists in the world of Sosaku Kokeshi doll making. Shido-san’s main focus was depicting unadorned Northern girls in the traditional “Mino” or Snow Coat, but he also produced tall, think dolls, which are sparsely decorated. His keen sense of design, minimal use of color, and simple elegant shapes set him apart from his peers, making him one of the most collectible artists emerging from the creative period of the ’60s. He is a winner of the Prime Minister’s Award.