Takahashi Akinori Sosaku vintage kokeshi dolls

Artisan | Woodworker: Takahashi, Akinori | 1957-


Born in Miyagi prefecture, Sendai City, Japan, he is the son of Takahashi, Hashime, and is a winner of two awards: 2004 and 2005, at the Contemporary Kokeshi Exhibition. He is an accomplished artist and has only created a few Kokeshi in honor of his father.

Collector's note – descriptive qualities, standard characteristics & ornamentation styles:

In many respects Akinori follows the aesthetic of his father in both form and ornamentation. However, his production is limited and most of the pieces he has produced focus on the Tanabata festival, which is a Japanese tradition wherein people write their wishes on tanzaku papers, (colorful, small strips of papers), and hang them on bamboo and tree branches as illustrated in his dolls. He also employs cherry, (body painted red) and plum blossoms, (body painted blue) to celebrate the season. He primarily works in dogwood.

Artist's Signature:

Takahashi Akinori Kokeshi artist signature


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